- Software compatibility and file extensions
- When can I cancel?
- Refund Policy
- Under what license are Designious assets covered?
- What do I get when I sign up for the membership?
- Can I still use the downloaded assets after I cancel my membership?
- What is the monthly downloads limit?
- What is Designious and how does it work?
- What happens if I cancel my subscription?
- How many times can I use an asset?
- What products can I create with the Designious Library?
- How do I download items once I have a membership?
- How do I cancel my subscription?
- Can I use the t-shirt designs without modifing them?
- How do I unzip?
- Is there a limit on the number of prints per design?
- Can I keep using the resources after my subscription has expired?
- Where do I see the new designs?
- Personal vs Business Accounts
- How do I download designs?